Reflections on Money and Sress

It is often said that money does not buy happiness. While I agree in large part with this statement, I also disagree with it a little. It seems to me that some amount of money is makes it easier for a person to get through their days without experiencing the stress that comes along with worrying about whether all of the bills will get paid that month. There is a certain peace of mind that comes when a person is able to know that their basic necessities like housing, food, electricity, telephone, and heat are provided for. If there are … Continue reading

Putting The “Me” Back In “Mommy”

Many home-based professionals choose to work at home because it enables them to stay at home with their children. If you are a work at home/stay at home parent like I am, then you probably spend a great deal of time caring for your children. You also spend a lot of time working, taking care of your home, and maybe even doing a few other things. One thing that often happens (at least for me) is that somewhere in the midst of doing all of these important things, I forget to pay attention to myself. Today, I caught sight of … Continue reading

Reflections on Transitioning from Pregnancy to Motherhood

I look back at blog entries I wrote when I was pregnant, as well as e-mails I sent my friends, and it’s clear that there were moments when I was so eager for pregnancy to end. I really enjoyed pregnancy for the most part, but near the end I became so sore and uncomfortable, and I could hardly contain my excitement to cradle my baby in my arms for the first time. As much as I was ready to become a mother, however, there are some things about pregnancy that I truly miss. I used to lay on my side … Continue reading

Reflections of Christ

This last weekend, I had the opportunity to fly down to Arizona on business and I stopped by the Mesa Temple with some friends. The grounds were lovely, covered in citrus trees and flowers. A heady scent filled the air, and it was so peaceful and serene. We stepped into the Visitors Center, not dressed to enter the temple itself. The same spirit that fills the temple was also in the Visitors Center and I took a deep breath, feeling the love of our Heavenly Father. The sister missionary who acted as tour guide motioned for us to enter a … Continue reading

Meet a Blogger – Mary Ann Romans!

We are pleased to have freelance writer Mary Ann Romans with us here today. She is the third blogger to join us in our look at the writers that make up the family. Mary Ann, thanks for joining us! How long have you blogged for My first blog on was in December of 2006. At the moment, I have more than 1260 individual blog posts. How cool is that! What topics do you blog about? I cover Frugal Living, which is so much fun because finding new ways to save money really exercises the brain cells. It … Continue reading

My Moment of Self-Reflection

I have had a lot to deal with lately. I just had another baby, my second child is not growing the way he should be, and my oldest is having a hard time with growing up and getting ready to go to school. Not to mention all the usual worry about finances, preparedness and my family in general. With all of this on my plate I have really been struggling to feel the spirit and to have a sense of peace throughout my day. It is not that I feel abandoned by Heavenly Father or that I am asking why … Continue reading

A Moment of Quiet Reflection

I wanted to take a moment while it was quiet here in the house (my husband took the kids to do some errands) and before we make good on a promise to our daughter to go see the film Happy Feet to reflect on the year that lies behind us. Part of the cleaning up of the previous year includes packing away the memories, savoring the good and letting go of the bad. Good Memories We savor the good memories because good memories, like a fine wine, grow far sweeter as they age. Think of the moments and feelings that … Continue reading

“My Child Won’t Let Me Touch Him.” The Avoidant Child

I’ll never forget that autism support group meeting. I had been hit with the overwhelming news that my son Kyle had a lifelong disability, and felt like I was being strangled by pain, disappointment, and fear. There were adults seated all around me—of every shape, size, and race, who had been traveling the same road that I was now setting foot upon. In some ways that was reassuring, but at the same time it was a club I didn’t want to join. “…he won’t allow me to touch him…” After some introductions and announcements, a soft-spoken, tired-looking mother stood up, … Continue reading

No Regrets

Last night, as my husband and I were watching our nightly general conference talk, we watched Elder Uchtdorf’s talk, Of Regrets and Resolutions. I was really impacted by his talk. He has become one of my favorite general authorities to listen to, and his talks always impact me in a way that motivates me to action. He spoke of regrets that people who are terminally ill patients voice to those that are taking care of them. The top three regrets were: I wish I had spent more time with the people I love. I wish I had lived up to … Continue reading

17th Annual Epcot International Food & Wine Festival

I’m breaking with my own tradition here: usually I wait to post about the Epcot Food & Wine Festival until closer to when it will actually start. We’ve got just over a month until it kicks off, so why am I writing about it now? I’m doing so in case anyone reading this is interested in going, and wants to sign up for one of the seminars or other special events. As of right now, some are sold out but others still have spaces available. Slots are going fast, so sign up ASAP if you’re interested. Here’s a quick summary … Continue reading